Vefeast How To Keep Remote Teams Informed Of Reimbursement Systems

How To Keep Remote Teams Informed Of Reimbursement Systems

Although many global businesses realize the cost-saving opportunities that a remote work model allows, many mistake it for a factor that waives the need to set up reimbursement policies. In reality, remote employees can incur several expenses that could be eligible for reimbursements. For example:

  • Software subscriptions or licenses.
  • Professional memberships and workshop passes.
  • Travel expenses for work trips.
  • Documentation fees depend on the business and country.
  • Internet, home office setup, and other costs.

Nonetheless, it can’t be ignored that enforcing expense management policies can be significantly challenging for businesses with remote teams due to lower active interaction. Thus, the first step toward practicing functional and effective policies is to ensure everyone stays in sync. These are what businesses can do to achieve this.

Information document and FAQs page:

Managers can create a clear, comprehensive document outlining the expense reimbursement policy. This document should be pinned to the company’s workplace channel or employee portal for easy access.

In addition to the information documents, it would be a good idea to compile a list of frequently asked questions about eligible expenses, the submission process, the documentation required, approval workflows, etc. The FAQs, alongside the policy document, should be pinned to the company’s workplace channel or employee portal for easy access.

But the work doesn’t end there. Businesses should periodically review and update both the main policy document and FAQs based on feedback or new scenarios that emerge. Real-world examples could be added to illustrate what qualifies for a reimbursement claim and what doesn’t. Additionally, both documents should explicitly call out any special exceptions or conditions that may override standard guidelines.

Managers should collect input from employees, especially new ones, on whether the information provided adequately addresses their questions and concerns about expense reimbursements. This feedback should be incorporated to improve clarity in both the FAQs page and the guidelines document.

As a good practice, businesses must not assume everyone will check for changes. Thus, the person in charge should proactively announce updates to the full team via email, team messaging, or meetings.

Training for the usage of reimbursement software:

In addition to mandatory training for new hires, business managers should periodically host virtual training sessions on using expense management software. The sessions should be interactive and preferably include a live demonstration of the software’s usage.

It would aso be a good idea to post a comprehensible user manual to the workplace channel or portal. User manuals can expedite reimbursement approval by eliminating delays due to insufficient information submission or confusion from the employees’ end. Different tasks like expense entry, receipt uploads, approval routing, and reporting can be broken down into steps and sections. Screenshots or images may also be used to simplify the instructions.

Managers should promptly convey any software updates. If the update is major, managers could also host a session for a walkthrough. Additionally, any electronic failure must also be conveyed to the employees. This would avert panic if reimbursement gets delayed.

Enabling live status reporting on the software

Modern expense management software includes live status reporting. However, this feature may not be enabled by default. Business managers should ensure that live reporting is on so that every employee can know the status of the request.

Information about live status reporting should be conveyed in the training sessions, highlighting how employees can access and interpret the live reporting dashboards within the software. Live status visibility can allow employees to track progress and know if any action is required from their side to keep things moving.

Designating points of contact

Managers should appoint a person on each team as the point of contact for any reimbursement-related query. This would prevent remote employees from being beaten around the bush if they face any issues or have any questions.

Each point of contact should be well-trained with the software and have a comprehensive understanding of the policies. Thus, an employee who has been in the company for a long time may be better suited for this task.

It would also be great if periodic meetings were conducted with the people in charge. Their input and insights related to unique queries can serve as the blueprint for refining the FAQs and policy documents.

The Bottom Line:

There should be no room for ambiguity to ensure that everyone clearly understands the reimbursement rules and processes, regardless of their location or team. Businesses can achieve this by creating and distributing guidelines, hosting training sessions, enabling live reporting, and delegating points of contact. While getting everything set up may initially be challenging, it’ll ultimately lead to improved workplace efficiency.

How To Keep Remote Teams Informed Of Reimbursement Systems

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Rakesh is well Content creator and Web Developer from past six years. He loves to read and get in touch with the latest technology.

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